Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Less Than 48 Hours Left!

Less than 48 hours to go now and, as expected, my nerves have arrived.

Traveling is the hardest part of going abroad for me. I get anxious. I can’t sleep for nights before the trip, and I become frazzled. This trip, understandably, is the worst. I seem to have lost or misplaced too many things to count. The pair of shoes that I just bought this weekend? Left one at my home university which is an hour and half away. New make-up that I just bought this weekend? It’s nowhere to be found. I misplaced a check and thought it had gotten thrown in the trash. I have to go back into the house multiple times before I can pull out of the driveway because I left things behind. I took home my best friend’s glasses because I forgot to give them back. Irresponsible Alex is not becoming. I find myself writing lists for everything so I make sure to get it all done, and preparing myself for the next day by laying clothes out ahead of time and thinking through exactly what I have to do before I get out of bed.

At each airport layover, I will rush to get to where I’m going and if it’s within the hour that the flight leaves, I will not leave the gate. I won’t eat meals because I’m nervous. Small things will stress me out much more than they should, partially because I’m exhausted and partially because travelling is stressful. I don’t want to miss a flight and I don’t like being completely alone in a foreign place.

In order to prepare I have updated my Spotify playlist and I have packed a carry-on bag that is complete with a sweatshirt, yummy snacks, earbuds, headphones, sleep medicine, wet wipes, tissues, a notebook, pens, and a reading book. I surely hope that I have everything that I need.

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